Specify sf Object an some additional parameters to get corresponding raster maps
get_raster(features, scale_level = NULL, x_add = 0, y_add = 0, method = "bbox", turn_greyscale = F, name = "", limit = Inf, asp = NULL, year = NULL, scale_factor = 1)
features | The sf object to derive the raster data from |
scale_level | The scale at which to get raster data (x in 1:1'000x). Usually one of the following values (depending on the available rasters): 10,25,100,500,1000 |
x_add, y_add | Depending on method, x and y will be added to the centeroid or to the bounding box |
method | A character string specifying the method with which the extent should be calculated. |
turn_greyscale | Should the output rastermaps be turned into greyscale? |
name | If muliple, different maps are available with overlapping extents, |
limit | For testing puposes only: Limits the number of rasters returned per object. Defaults to |
per_feature | A TRUE/FALSE value specifying if one raster map should be returend for the entire sf object or if one map should be returned per feature |