Specify sf Object an some additional parameters to get corresponding raster maps

get_raster(features, scale_level = NULL, x_add = 0, y_add = 0,
  method = "bbox", turn_greyscale = F, name = "", limit = Inf,
  asp = NULL, year = NULL, scale_factor = 1)



The sf object to derive the raster data from


The scale at which to get raster data (x in 1:1'000x). Usually one of the following values (depending on the available rasters): 10,25,100,500,1000

x_add, y_add

Depending on method, x and y will be added to the centeroid or to the bounding box


A character string specifying the method with which the extent should be calculated. centroid calculates the centroid of the object(s), bbox calculates the bounding box of the object.


Should the output rastermaps be turned into greyscale?


If muliple, different maps are available with overlapping extents, name can be used to differentiate between different maptypes. Default is an empty sting.


For testing puposes only: Limits the number of rasters returned per object. Defaults to Inf


A TRUE/FALSE value specifying if one raster map should be returend for the entire sf object or if one map should be returned per feature