This function creates a "file directory" by scanning all available raster files and extracting relevant metadata.

fdir_init(rootdir, filter = c("PK", "SMR", "LK", "TA"))



Character string specifying the directory where the folders are stored


Names of the folders to look for. Only folders containing the character strings specified here are included in the search.


This function scans all folders in the root dirctory corresponding to the folders given by folders = . It saves this directory in the package environment, and and can later use this info to determin which rasters to import when running the command get_raster().

Currently, only files ending with "tif" are checked for extent, number of layers and resolution and other informatin.

Parent folders (subfolders of rootdir =) are scanned non recursively for raster data with the extention ".tif". These folders must adhere a specific structure: TYPE_Scale_EPSG_index


corresponds to the maptype. IN Switzerland this is typically SMR, PK, LK or TA. Must be followed by a _


defines the map scale as x in 1:1'000x. Must be followed by a _


specifies the CRS of the containing raster data Must be followed by a _ only if name is specified

